The Consumer’s experience when using a Resume Link

Once the consumer has successfully verified their personal information, questions will populate based on the consumer’s personal credit history through CMS' partner, Experian. Note: Exact questions may vary as these questions are pulled from the primary contact’s personal information.

Upon successful ID proofing, the customer will be given the option to create an account.

The primary contact will have ongoing access to the account they create. Once identity proofing takes place within a consumer's account, the consumer will not be prompted to identity proof their account again unless they need to reset their password.
After successful account creation, the Primary contact will be granted access to their application.
The consumer can leverage the navigation panel on the left side of the page or the various ‘edit’ buttons to visit any page of the eligibility application, and edit or update anything they’d like except primary contact information (e.g. first name, last name, date of birth, phone number, SSN). Primary contact information may only be updated by contacting the Marketplace call center or by reaching back out to the agent who shared the Resume Link.
Once the consumer validates their information is accurate, they may select the “Continue” button to proceed.

Consumers are required to complete all pages listed within the ‘Finalize’ section and agree to all standard legal agreements related to tax filing in order to submit their application.

The consumer will need to select the “Download Eligibility Letter” button within the eligibility results page in order to proceed to plan review.
The consumer will also be able to access their eligibility letter from the ‘Marketplace Notices’ section of their Consumer Dashboard after their application has been submitted.
After selecting the “Review plan” button, the consumer will land on the plan confirmation page.

From the plan confirmation page, the consumer can:
Review the final premium amount: The final premium amount is displayed within the plan confirmation page.
Adjust the amount of subsidy dollars they’d like to use monthly: Estimated savings, or advance premium tax credit (APTC), refers to the amount a customer may be able to have applied to their monthly health insurance premium. Consumers are not required to use all APTC dollars they are eligible to receive. By deselecting the checkbox within the ‘Savings’ section, the consumer will be granted the ability to key in the exact dollar amount they’d like to use monthly.
Edit their subsidy application: Selecting the “Edit application” button will return the consumer to their subsidy eligibility application where they may continue making edits.
Adjust their plan selection: Selecting the “Change plans” button will allow the consumer to access the plan shopping page where they can view all available plans and select their desired coverage.
Finalize their re-submission: By selecting the “Enroll in this plan” button, the client will finalize their re-submission.
After the application is submitted, the consumer will be prompted to go to their Consumer Dashboard.